Performance Ratings and Definitions

Colorado College uses a five-point scale to rate staff performance and ratings are given quarterly during the months of January, 4月, 7月, 和10月.

An individual's performance rating is expected to move across the scale during different quarters throughout the year. There are a few reasons why an employee's rating would change from quarter to quarter. 例如, there are busier times of the year for different departments and their ability to meet expectations could be a greater challenge during those months. Another reason a performance rating might change is to show a marked improvement from one quarter to the next.

Expand the ratings below to learn more.

Performance Ratings

At this level, employee performance or behavior do not meet minimum job expectations of the position. The employee does not meet key goals or does not demonstrate competence in critical job skills. Immediate and sustained performance improvement is needed. Without immediate, marked improvement the employee will be subject to corrective or disciplinary action.
At this level, employee performance or behavior do not consistently meet minimum expectations of what is expected of the employee’s position. While the employee shows capability and willingness to progress, they may require development in a key skill area(s) to be fully effective in the role. Without marked improvement the employee will be subject to a performance improvement plan.
Employees at this level reliably and consistently meet all the expectations, 标准, requirements, and objectives of the employee’s position. They demonstrate organizational values, along with a willingness and ability to grow for the benefit of the department. At this level, performance meets expectations in terms of quality of work, 效率, and timeliness with the most critical goals being met.
Employees at this level demonstrate highly effective performance by making significant contributions and impact on the goals of the department. The employee models organizational values to others and performance at this level exceeds the expectations of their position. Colleagues rely on these employees for advice on process or subject matter expertise. All goals, objectives, and targets are consistently achieved above the established 标准.
Employees at this level consistently make extraordinary contributions through superior performance on key goals, serve as a role model of organizational values, and contribute significantly to the mission of the department. 同行, immediate supervisors, higher-level management, and others recognize and depend upon the employee’s level of performance. An extraordinary level of achievement and commitment in terms of quality and time, technical skills and knowledge, 聪明才智, 创造力, and initiative are exhibited at this level. The employee demonstrates exceptional job mastery in all major areas of responsibility and their contributions to the organization are of marked excellence.

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Report an issue - Last updated: 05/06/2024