Colorado College Activism Institute

This .25-credit mentored internship program is an opportunity for students to engage in activist and/or advocacy work that aims to confront escalating surveillance and criminalization of BIPOC (Black, 原住民和有色人种)社区通过直接与美国的社区组织合作.S. 西南(丹佛、阿尔伯克基、埃尔帕索、奥斯汀和德克萨斯州的圣马科斯).

该项目对所有一年级新生开放, sophomores, and juniors at Colorado Colleges, 中西部联合学院的所有学校, and other select colleges. Application and interview are required.

这个项目需要全职工作. 学生在学习期间不能有其他的工作承诺

Program Dates: May 28 - July 14, 2024

Program Director:
Dr. Eric Popkin


Application Information

Program Application Deadlines:
First round: Friday, December 1. 面试将在12月初进行
Second round: Friday, January 29. 面试将于二月初至中旬进行



Program Description

This .25-credit summer intensive institute offers students an opportunity to engage in activist and/or advocacy work focused on one of two tracks – Immigrant Detention Work and Movement Lawyering (working with attorneys representing immigrants in detention; research on immigrant detention center conditions; advocacy/organizing work to shut down immigrant detention centers) or Community Organizing (campaign recruitment, event planning, op-ed writing, protest training, policy research, public speaking, criminal justice accountability, case advocacy). During the program, 学生们学习参与积极项目的技能, 考虑在社区参与工作中采用反种族主义的方法, 参与关于社会变革概念的讨论, 并探索活动家/倡导职业的可能性.

The 6-week program begins with one week of orientation on the Colorado College campus led by the program director and activists representing community partner organizations participating in the program. This orientation will incorporate multi-disciplinary reading and discussion that focuses on the criminalization of BIPOC communities (the racial dimensions of carceral capitalism and immigrant detention), 社区组织理论与实践(中西部学院提供额外培训), immigration policy, and movement lawyering practices. Following the orientation, 学生将分组乘坐赌博正规的十大网站的车辆前往指定的社区合作伙伴地点. Throughout the program, the program director will travel twice to each program site to reflect on the experience with students – these visits are supplemented with zoom sessions with the students and community partner organizations. At the end of the program, students present their work to their host community partner organizations and then reconvene at Colorado College for a one and half day program debriefing.

Program Outcomes

  1. Students will demonstrate an understanding of how community-based knowledge structures organizational analysis and initiatives, 塑造学生集体专题作业. 
  2. Students will demonstrate the ability to evaluate systemic inequality and power relationships for effecting social change.
  3. Students will practice cultural humility through reflection on their own cultural wealth and their assets as team members to gain awareness of their own strengths and limitations as community change agents. 
  4. Students will demonstrate an ability to delineate and utilize appropriate strategies/mechanisms for effecting social change through reflection on how their civic commitments align with their career aspirations. 

Cost, Credit, and Funding

科罗拉多大学的学生没有项目费. Housing, food/incidental expenses, transportation, and all other program costs are covered through generous support from the Colorado College President’s Office Anti-Racism Fund, 科罗拉多大学社会学系, and The William P. Dean Memorial Fund. 从学院获得需求援助的CC学生在成功完成课程后将获得500美元的津贴.


所有项目参与者都将参加GS199/198实习. CC students on an F-1 visa will receive a transcript notation applied to their summer transcript in compliance with their Curricular Practical Training (CPT).  不需要工作授权的CC学生将获得 .25个单元申请到下一个完全入学的学期. 非cc学生将被录取为非学位学生,并获得 .25个学分(相当于另一所大学的1个学期学分). F-1签证的非cc学生应该咨询他们的主要DSO关于CPT过程.

International Students

Students studying in the U.S. on an F-1 or J-1 visa must obtain employment authorization BEFORE participating in an off-campus internship (any training experience away from the campus of the institution that holds their SEVIS record).  Students on an F-1 visa will pursue Curricular Practical Training (CPT) or Pre-Completion Optional Practical Training (OPT), 而持J-1签证的学生将进行学术培训. Students on an F-1 or J-1 visa must contact the international student services office holding their SEVIS record in advance for details regarding CPT, OPT or Academic Training.

Partner Organizations

Community Organizing Track

Mijente - ICE战役无技术(西南位置待定)

米简特是拉丁裔和墨西哥裔寻求种族平等的人的政治中心, economic, gender, 通过组织和宣传活动实现气候正义. Over the past several summers, students working with Mijente conducted strategic research focused on ICE reliance on data broker information (LEXIS-NEXIS) to access police booking information in Denver and a project documenting new upgraded technology systems facilitating surveillance in the US-Mexican border region. 2023年夏季,学生们将更直接地在美国西南部组织活动. (要求西班牙语流利,西南位置尚未确定)  

Grassroots Leadership (Austin, Texas)

Grassroots Leadership is an Austin, 总部位于德克萨斯州的组织致力于建立一个没有癌症系统的世界. Last summer, 学生从事战略研究,并参与了以“孤星行动”为重点的组织活动, the Governor of Texas’ campaign to extend state authority over immigration via the state criminal system leading to extensive criminalization and exploitation of immigrants. In summer 2023, 学生将积极组织活动,并开展与这些活动相关的研究.  (部分职位要求西班牙语熟练程度高)


科罗拉多正义就业联盟是一个劳工联盟, community, faith, 还有致力于公平劳动的青年组织, just wage, 以及跨越行业界限的公平工作环境, race, 为劳动人民赢得具体的胜利. 2023年夏季,学生们将积极组织活动,包括当地最低工资活动, 在建筑行业赋予妇女权力和非二元性别, and confronting wage theft campaigns. (部分职位要求熟练掌握西班牙语)


Border Network is a leading human rights advocacy organization engaged in documentation of abuses committed by law enforcement agencies operating in the El Paso-Southern New Mexico region. The organization trains human rights promoters who establish local committees that organize to expose and confront law enforcement abuses. In summer 2023, 学生将参与人权文献项目并开展与此相关的研究. (所有职位都要求有一定的西班牙语能力) 

Mano Amiga, San Marcos, Texas

Mano Amiga works with and organizes alongside communities impacted by criminalization and/or immigration to push for systemic policy change at the local level. We work directly with impacted community members to amplify their lived experiences and identify solutions to change systems and improve material conditions. 我们希望在奥斯汀之间建立一条抵抗走廊 & 圣安东尼奥反对种族主义和反移民政策. In summer 2023, students will be given the opportunity to be cross-trained across many aspects of grassroots community organizing: case advocacy, policy research, 警察/检察官司法问责, op-ed & 其他写作、公开演讲、抗议训练等等. (部分职位要求熟练掌握西班牙语)





新墨西哥移民法律中心通过合作法律服务授权低收入移民社区, advocacy, and education. In summer 2023, 学生将有机会在托伦斯协助代表移民的律师, Cibola, 以及新墨西哥州的奥特罗拘留中心,并参与了当地拘留中心关闭运动. (部分职位要求具备西班牙语能力)


Las Americas is an El Paso based legal clinic that provides free and low- cost legal services to immigrants and refugees in West Texas and New Mexico and in Juarez, Mexico at the US-Mexican border. 该诊所还为该地区的拘留中心提供服务. In summer 2023, students working with Las Americas will conduct intake and other interviews with immigrants in detention and engage in the community outreach program. (大多数职位要求西班牙语流利)


新墨西哥州的美国公民自由联盟是美国公民自由联盟的州分支机构, 全国首要的公民权利和公民自由组织. The New Mexico office engages in extensive work aimed at reigning in the militarization of border communities and abuse in immigrant detention centers in the state. 2023年夏季,学生们将对这些问题进行研究. (Spanish language not required)

Report an issue - Last updated: 01/24/2024

Partner Organizations


Border Network for Human Rights

Colorado Jobs with Justice

Grassroots Leadership


Las Americas

Mano Amiga SMTX