Tuition and Fees

Undergraduate Tuition


Undergraduate Room and Board



Housing and meal plans rates are subject to change.
有兴趣申请经济援助的学生可以在网站上找到有关申请过程的更多信息 Summer Session Financial Aid page. If you have any questions, please contact us at

Estimated Summer 2024 Charges (per block)

Fixed Direct Charges



Blocks A, B, and/or C


 $927/block for double-occupancy (anticipated cost)



参加暑期课程或参加其他CC赞助活动的CC学生可以在A座期间住在Matthias Hall, and B.


在夏季上课的学生可以选择校内住宿. 双人房价格较低,单人房价格较高.


Meal Plan

$153-$691/block (anticipated cost)

$153 for Tiger Bucks
$422 for half meal plan
$691 for full meal plan

Financial aid is only awarded for full meal plans.

Estimated Expenses   
Books and Supplies Allowance  $155
Misc. Allowance  $188 Personal expenses
Transportation $410 Travel to and from campus
Total Estimated Costs  $7,833-$8,471





All students are required to have health insurance 在赌博正规的十大网站就读期间,并提供年度保险证明. 学院提供全面的学生健康保险计划, 前一个春季的学生覆盖范围将延续.

如果学生有其他健康保险,则不需要参加学院的健康保险计划. 所有学生每年必须注册或放弃健康保险计划 through the waiver portal.

如果学生选择了不同的保险计划, their health insurance must meet minimum criteria, which are available on the Student Health Insurance Plan website.

More information is available with our Student Health Center. 健康保险费用每年夏天由卫生部调整和公布 Student Health Center. 

Total Estimated Cost with Insurance



  • Gold Card replacement - $30
  • Traffic fines, parking fines, library fines, residence hall damage, 损坏或未归还的设备可能会被记入学生账户,费用各不相同.
  • 课程项目费用-暑期课程有时会有相关的项目费用. 请查看课程列表,如果适用,将列出费用

Wild Card

每个赌博正规的十大网站的本科生都有资格获得一张外卡. 外卡等于暑期课程学费的一个单位,并在您注册第一个暑期课程时自动应用到您的学生帐户中. 如果学生满足以下要求,则可以获得外卡:

  • Available upon completion of one semester at CC.
  • 必须在CC预先注册下一年的课程.
    • 预计在5月或8月毕业的学生没有资格使用他们的外卡
  • 必须在满足所有毕业要求之前使用吗.
  • 自动适用于首个暑期班课程,不可转让
  • 使用外卡时,所有退赛处罚都适用.
  • Does not apply to program fees.
  • May not be used for independent study courses.

Dropping a Course

有关校外暑期班课程的加、退、转和取消信息,see the 全球教育和实地研究中心网页.

  • Notifying your professor does not release you from financial obligations; while courteous, it does not withdraw you from your course.
  • 学生可以在课程开始前三周通过Banner放弃课程
    • After this period, 班纳的退课功能将不再可用,学生必须到注册办公室退课
  • 如果暑期助学金已经授予,请参考财政援助办公室和他们的 Return of Title IV Funds Policy regarding withdrawals.
  • 任何费用将以注册办公室取消课程注册日期为基础.
    • See below for drop dates and related fees.

Course Cancellations by Summer Session Office

  • On-campus courses 在课程开始前三周未达到最低入学要求的学生将被取消.
  • 如课程取消,暑期班将以电邮通知已报名的学生.
  • If you are enrolled in a cancelled course, 您可以将已支付的学费转到另一门课程,也可以收到已支付学费的退款.

Tuition Penalties for Dropping On-Campus Courses



Tuition Penalties

Up to 3 weeks prior to course start date

Block A: Before May 7th

Block B: Before June 3rd

Block C (REMOTE ONLY): Before July 1st

Not charged, refunded if paid

3 weeks prior up to the 3rd day of block

Block A: Within the period of May 7th - May 30th

Block B: Within the period of June 3rd - June 26th

Block C (REMOTE ONLY): 7月1日至7月24日期间

30% tuition charged

After the 3rd day of Block

Block A: After May 30th

Block B: After June 26th

Block C (REMOTE ONLY): After July 24th

100% tuition charged



Course Drop with Add Tuition Penalties
Same number units of credit Not charged if transferred to new course

Fewer number units of credit


Auditing Summer Courses

“审核”的指定是指学生在没有获得字母等级或学分的情况下正式注册课程时使用的注册状态. 审计课程须缴纳全额学费和杂费.

学生只有在空间可用的情况下,并且只有在暑期课程的指导老师和主任的许可下,才能以审核的方式注册暑期课程. 获得旁听许可的学生应定期上课并完成指定的阅读材料. 有关参加的其他要求将由讲师和暑期班主任商定.

No audited courses can be counted toward a degree. 他们不能用经济援助或外卡来支付.

所有参加课程的学生必须正式注册. 没有规定学生只能“静坐”参加暑期课程,也禁止不交学费就出勤.

Contact Us

Phone: 719-389-6028
Armstrong Hall, Rooms 212, 213A and 213C

Report an issue - Last updated: 04/29/2024